UCSB Extension Goes International

Chinese business leaders visiting UCSB as part of a pilot program hear Nobel Laureate Finn Kydland discuss economic policy

A three-day visit to UC Santa Barbara brought a group of instructors and administrators from China’s Chongqing University together with faculty members from the campus’s Department of Economics and Technology Management Program.

Among the highlights was a talk by Nobel Laureate Finn Kydland, The Jeff Henley Professor of Economics at UCSB, who spoke on “Economic Policy and Growth of Nations.”

The visit, arranged through a partnership between UCSB Extension and the Department of Economics, was a pilot effort in what is expected to become an ongoing program of international outreach.

“We hope to continue to expand our partnerships with academic departments on campus, creating programs that leverage the world-class expertise of our faculty while enhancing our visibility abroad,” said Michael T. Brown, dean of UCSB Extension.

More information is available at http://extension.ucsb.edu/?utm_source=current&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=gr.

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