UCSB Professor Named Fellow of International Scientific Society

The Fellows committee of the American Geophysical Union has elected Tommy Dickey, a faculty member of the University of California, Santa Barbara, as one of 45 members to join the ranks of AGU Fellows. The Fellowship is awarded to scientists from around the world who have attained acknowledged eminence in geophysics.

Dickey, principal investigator at UCSB's Ocean Physics Laboratory, is a professor in the Department of Geography. His primary research interest is interdisciplinary oceanography. His research group specializes in the deployment of physical, chemical, biological, and optical instrumentation on autonomous platforms in shallow coastal and deep open-ocean settings.

The AGU's Fellows committee elects members who have made outstanding contributions to the geophysical sciences. Fellows have also made also outstanding contributions in community service and public education.

The AGU cited Dickey for the development, scientific application, and promotion of novel interdisciplinary observing systems for the ocean sciences.

The AGU is an international scientific society with more than 41,000 members in over 130 countries. For more than 75 years, AGU researchers, teachers, and science administrators have dedicated themselves to advancing the understanding of the Earth and its environment in space, and in making the results available to the public through publications and international forums.

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